Giga Chad - Top 0.001% of all males

Spawned of the Emperor's geneseed. Lost his virginity to an 18 year old Stacey when he was 12. Has never known defeat in any of his endeavors. When in his presence, Manlets naturally look down to avoid eye contact and stutter when addressed directly by him. Isn't gay, but fucks men when he pleases, as all other humans appear feminine in his eyes. Has no fear in his heart and is a born leader of men.


  • 10/10 face

  • struggles to fit through doors due to shoulder width

  • 6'9" tall

  • chin you could forge a sword on

  • jaw so square it can be used accurately to measure right angles

  • has a natural serum testosterone level measured in grams

  • genius level IQ

  • the most dominant presence in any room

Time and time again, mankind seems to repeat the same mistakes, commit the same sins. The End came, and nothing was learned. Many people ask me: "Gigachad, what solution is there to this? What can be done? How can we escape this inexorable fate?" It is then that i smirk and whisper: "Follow me."

There comes a time in every chads life when he has to leave society behind, go to the mountains. Here, he will face his truest enemy alone: himself. As a wise man once said, beware, beware the chad that has survived himself. Beware the chad that has returned to society. Beware of me.